Acupuncture research has shown it to be extremely beneficial for people suffering from neurological conditions. Here at Red Raven Acupuncture, we specialize in a number of these conditions:
Bret Rogers has worked in tandem with Medical Doctors and Neurologists from around the world to help people recover quickly from neurological episodes and dramatically increase their quality of life. When treating these conditions, it's important to tell your provider so our staff can work with them to make sure patients get the best care and outcomes. It's best to seek out treatment early and frequently. Please contact our clinic with any questions you have, we're always happy to talk about what's right for you!
- Bell's Palsy
- Tremors (Essential Tremor, Parkinson's Disease, Primary Orthostatic Tremors, Etc...)
- Dysautonomia & Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS, anxiety, fatigue, etc...)
- Stroke Sequelae & Rehabilitation (aphasia, balance, muscle strength, pain relief)
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Alzheimer's & Dementia
- Neuropathy
- Headaches & Migraines
- Brain Injury (TBI, Concussion)
Bret Rogers has worked in tandem with Medical Doctors and Neurologists from around the world to help people recover quickly from neurological episodes and dramatically increase their quality of life. When treating these conditions, it's important to tell your provider so our staff can work with them to make sure patients get the best care and outcomes. It's best to seek out treatment early and frequently. Please contact our clinic with any questions you have, we're always happy to talk about what's right for you!